20 February, 2011

Veda June

On Sat. February 12, 2011, we welcomed Veda June into the world and our lives changed forever... She is the sweetest most beautiful creature I have ever laid my eyes upon. My heart is just swelling.... We are exhausted.. exhilarated..We are completely smitten!! Here are a few shots from her first week..

We were lucky enough to have lots of grandparents here this week to help out and meet their first granddaughter. Will post more pictures soon... ♥


  1. i'm smitten too! xoxoxo aunt talie

  2. oh! she is beautiful! congratulations to you all... this is when life gets really good. (and sleepy)

  3. Oh Heather, I remember so well the feelings I had in the first weeks of Camryn's life 10 1/2 years ago now. Your heart "swelling" is a perfect way to describe it. I remember feeling these waves of love come over me and I just HAD to hold and snuggle and sniff and kiss her! I think scientifically it's oxytocin, but whatever. All I know is there's nothing like becoming a mother, and I'm happy to say, I still feel those waves of love come over me. Soak it all up, sweetie!
